Similar words: get the better of, letter, letter n, letters, fetter, letter q, letter i, letter h. Meaning: n. the 7th letter of the Roman alphabet.
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1. Why are farmers surprised by the letter G?
2. The gynoecium is denoted by the letter G in the FLORAL FORMULA.
3. Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other ?
4. Nationwide highways often begin with the letter G, followed by three numerals, eg: G107.
5. Foreign Ministry summoned the Japanese Embassy Minister and the original letter g, and urged Japan to take positive action to resolve this problem.
6. The equivalent debate for modern diplomats is what number you should place after the letter G.
7. It has to band together with other like-minded nations, who should then refer to themselves by a number prefixed with the letter G (standing for group).
More similar words: get the better of, letter, letter n, letters, fetter, letter q, letter i, letter h, letter f, letter e, letter c, better, by letter, go-getter, abetter, lettered, begetter, better-off, unfetter, newsletter, had better, better off, letter box, fettered, dead letter, call letters, to the letter, bettering, unlettered, cover letter.